HD2A Learning Collaborative

The overarching purpose of the HD2A Learning Collaborative is to build community, leverage insights and resources across projects and centers, engage in shared learning from one another, and optimize our collective work. We expect Innovation Projects to attend together with your team. Zoom information: Meeting ID: 925 2661 7044 Password: 840468 Meeting URL: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/92526617044?pwd=aVRITXkvNUpwNjh4cE5aL2ZSQ05Rdz09&from=addon

HEAL Data2Action Simulation Modeling Interest Group

The HEAL Data2Action Simulation Modeling Interest Group provides a forum for sharing applications of simulation modeling and discussion of challenges and solutions when modeling opioid use disorder. The seminar is appropriate for both experienced modelers seeking expert consultation from peers, and investigators who do not use models, but are interested in how simulation could synergize…

HD2A and HEALing Communities, September 2023


The HD2A/HEALing Communities joint meeting is an excellent opportunity to connect with the HEALing Communities Program to hear insights and lessons learned on data access, linkage, and visualization across 4 different state environments. HEALing Communities investigators will share brief presentations of their efforts (including dashboards), with a significant amount of time reserved for questions, answers,…

HD2A New Investigators Kickoff, September 2023

The HD2A New Project Orientation is a time to introduce and welcome the new Innovation Project and Acceleration Project grantees to the HD2A Program. Support centers will also orient the new grantees to technical assistance implementation support services they offer. This is a virtual meeting.  Follow this link to join the call.  

HD2A Learning Collaborative, September 2023

Learning Collabroatives enhance the chances of bringing data to action through trans-Innovation Project methods in data infrastructure design, economic analytics and modeling, and dissemination & implementation science. During this learning…