K. Ranga Rama Krishnan, MBBS

Portrait of Krr Krishnan

K. Ranga Rama Krishnan, MBBS

Rush University System for Health

K. Ranga Rama Krishnan is the Executive Vice Chairman and Senior Advisor of Rush University Health System. Prior to this role, he was the Chief Executive Officer of Rush University Health System from 2019-2022 and the Dean of Rush Medical College from 2015-2019. Krishnan contributed to building Duke NUS-Medical School in Singapore as a joint venture between Duke University and the government of Singapore, and was the Dean of the Medical School until 2015. Krishnan currently chairs the following boards: National Health Innovation Center, Ministry of Health Singapore, National Medical Research Council, and ALSET Institute at the National University of Singapore. He has published over 500 research papers and numerous books. Krishnan has many patents in areas of dementia, depression and brain-computer interface. Recently, Krishnan was awarded the highest honor for a foreign citizen by the government of Singapore for his extensive work and was given honorary citizenship by the president of Singapore